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An exhaustive list of our social projects and platforms.

Account Management (Buffer)

  • What is it? We use Buffer to send social media campaigns to multiple accounts all at once. Our main social media accounts are: Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. We would like to expand our social media reach to more decentralized solutions like Mastadon and Manyverse in the future where they might become our primary method of communication.
  • Who has access? The social media manager and the board of directors have access to this to share important information across social media as well as the individual social media accounts.
  • How does one get access? The social media manager and board of directors will be sent an email invite to join 1Password where they will then have username and passwords for Buffer, Twitter, and Instagram. Individual access to LinkedIn and Facebook is provided by anyone who has admin access to them on those respective platforms.

Blog (Ghost CMS)

  • What is it? Our blog is hosted on Digital Ocean and built on the great Ghost CMS. It is where we write more long-form content about events, interviews about Native people in tech, and general announcements we want to elaborate on. We welcome writers and collaborators who would like to publish their content on our platform.
  • Who has access? The blog itself is available to everyone. The CMS is available to the social media manager and the board of directors. We can also provide access to interested persons who want to write for or publish content to our platform.
  • How does one get access? The social media manager or a board of director should get an email that invites them to the blog CMS. For interested persons who would like to write for or publish to our platform then reach out to to request access.

Forum (Discourse)

  • What is it? Our Forum is hosted on Digital Ocean and built on the wonderful Discourse. It is where Native and non-Native peoples can pose questions to the larger community, promote the work they've done for Native peoples, or start a long form discussion on a topic relevant to Native people. We use it for comments on our blog articles and to make announcements in a way to garner community feedback. However, we would like to see more non-Native people engage with our community through this medium as well as see longer form discussion between Native peoples about technology.
  • Who has access? Anyone can access the forum once they create an account. The board of directors all have admin access.
  • How does one get access? For non-admins you can create an account on the site. For admins, an email will be sent to you to allow you to sign-up with admin privileges.

Live Streaming (Twitch, YouTube Live)

  • What is it? YouTube and Twitch both provide web streaming services where someone can record themselves live and have the recording stream real-time to their respective platforms. We used Twitch to stream our first annual conference and YouTube Live for our second conference and probably for each conference going forward since it's relatively easy to archive the stream on YouTube afterward.
  • Who has access? The board of directors all have admin access to Twitch and YouTube. We are also interested to share our Twitch/YouTube Live platform with Native tech streamers if they would like to use it to grow their audience.
  • How does one get access? There is a single username and password that the board member can access through our 1Password for both Twitch and YouTube. For content creators, please send a request to the board at and we will set you up with access to our streaming service.

Talent Directory (Native Talent in Tech)

  • What is it? Native Talent in Tech is a directory of Native people in tech and it is hosted on Netlify and built with Gatsby. The way it works is we use the @Native_Talent account on Twitter and follow other Native people in tech. This list becomes what is displayed on the site.
  • Who has access? Admin access is available to board of directors through: GitHub (source code), Netlify (hosting), 1Password (@Native_Talent username and password).
  • How does one get access? An email will be sent to the board of director to gain access to our team account on both GitHub and Netlify. There is a single username and password that the board member can access through our 1Password for the Twitter account.

Video Archives (YouTube)

  • What is it? We use YouTube to archive our recordings for our conferences, meetups, and any other presentations we make on behalf of Natives in Tech.
  • Who has access? The board of directors all have admin access to YouTube.
  • How does one get access? There is a single username and password that the board member can access through our 1Password.

Monthly Meetups (NiT Meetups via Zoom)

  • What is it? We host monthly (sometimes more infrequent) meetups where Native peoples can discuss, converse, present on topics and ideas they are interested in about technology. This is a safe space is for Native peoples and it is up to the presenter to decide on whether they would want their presentation recorded, not recorded, or recorded but not available publicly. Those that are interested in attending are added to a group list. This group list is added to the calendar invite which we create with Google Calendar. Invitees are welcome to RSVP but are not required. The Google Calendar Invite includes information on how to join the meeting using Zoom.
  • Who has access? Native people in tech and the board of directors can attend.
  • How does one get access? An email is sent to the board of director to join Zoom and each members is added to the members group list so they are notified of any future meetings. For Native people in tech, if they would like to join these meetings then they can send an email stating they want to take part in these meetups to with their name and nationality. Once verified, they are added to the members group list and they are notified of future meetings.

Chat (Slack)

  • What is it? We use Slack as an asynchronous communication tool as well as a way to quickly get a hold of Native technologists in the community. We also have a Discord but it is not used but can be a back up if we ever need it.
  • Who has access? Native people in tech and the board of directors all have access. Allies have limited access to specific channels: #allies, #jobs, #announcements, and #events. Board members are all made workspace owners so they can manage members accordingly.
  • How does one get access? An email is sent to the board of director to join Slack. For Native people in tech, if they would like to join our Slack then they can send an email stating they want to take part in our chat to with their name and nationality. Once verified, they are added to the workspace. For allies, they can also send an email to stating their allyship and they will be added to the respective channels.