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Natives in Tech started out as an idea in late 2017. Inspired by an article written about Natives in the tech field, Native technologists created a Slack group where Natives, and non-Natives alike, could gather and chat about software development. Around the same time, the Natives in Tech GitHub organization was created to host projects related to Native topics and ideas. A couple years later, Natives in Tech, Inc. was formed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the goal of furthering the work of the GitHub organization to the broader non-technical world.

Natives in Tech, Inc. and Natives in Tech GitHub Org

This documentation is for the Natives in Tech nonprofit and GitHub organization. It's a central location to search for any information related to activities on GitHub, to answer frequently asked questions, to outline about the work of the organization and nonprofit, among many other things. If you want to find out more about the nonprofit side of things, then visit


One benefit of becoming a nonprofit is taking advantage of tools that are free or discounted for 501(c)(3) exempt organizations. Some software we use for free are:

If you would like to learn more about acquiring software to help your nonprofit foundation then send an email to

What We Are About

The goal of this organization is to build software that supports Natives communities. Contributions can come from Native and non-Native software developers. Some ideas for software that supports Native communities might be:

  • A dictionary app
  • An app that improves wireless connections on reservations
  • A specification for building web apps that serve Native communities

Not all software is code, although most will think so. The JavaScript community has the TC39 committee that meets to discuss future enhancements to the JavaScript language. This is just one example of many, but it shows there is more to software than writing code. It is important to discuss and critically think about ways in which we serve our communities and the impact software has. So don't just think just in terms of code when you think about ways in which you can help Natives in Tech, think in terms of how you want to see technology impact your community.

What You Will Find Here

We want the documentation to be as helpful as possible and be able to give insight into what Natives in Tech is all about. We also want to expound on some of the more communal topics like how to become a contributor. In general, we want technical folks to have pleasant experience learning about Natives in Tech and we think this platform will provide that.